Honors Credit

There are lots of different ways to earn academic credit through the University Honors Program. Each semester, the program offers specialized sections of university courses reserved for honors students. Honors credit can also be earned through independent options like contracting, independent study or a study abroad enhancement. 

This page includes information on:

  • Types of honors credit
  • Semester course directory
  • Individual course descriptions
  • Honors professor biographies

Honors Course Directory

Honors General Education Sections (Fall 2025)

These offerings satisfy the respective UNIFI or LAC category in addition to counting toward your honors designation. They fulfill both university and honors requirements while emphasizing discussion and class participation. Class sizes are limited to approximately 20 honors students, allowing for a focus on active learning and engagement with peers and faculty.


Presidential Scholars Required Credit

Required and reserved for presidential scholars ONLY.


Honors Advanced Credit

Advanced credit includes honors seminars, independent study and the required honors thesis.  Honors seminars are open to students with sophomore standing or above.  Independent study is NOT required, but available as an option.  Lastly, the honors thesis is a typically a two-semester sequence required of all students completing an honors designation.

*You do NOT need to register for additional credit for these options, but application is required.