Honors Thesis

Become the expert

Doing research can open up a lot of doors. It allows students to gain valuable skills, think critically and creatively, confirm career plans, work with setbacks and ambiguity, understand where knowledge comes from, and establish personal and professional goals. 

Every honors student has the opportunity to complete undergraduate research or creative work during their time at UNI. Students receive guidance from a faculty member in their major or area of interest to develop and complete a project during their last two semesters on campus. The Honors Thesis is the final step toward earning either University Honors or University Honors with Distinction and serves as the culmination of the honors experience.

‌2024-2025 Thesis Presentation Schedule

Full text copies of each Honors Thesis are stored in Rod Library's UNI ScholarWorks digital repository. Each student author receives an entry with unique URL to share with prospective employers or graduate schools. There is an international audience of readers accessing honors theses through UNI ScholarWorks! 

The Specifics

How it works

Honors Thesis Process

The Honors Thesis is a 3-credit-hour project divided between two semesters:

  • Semester One - develop a topic and proposal
  • Semester Two - complete the research, writing or creative work

The first step in the process is to become familiar with the thesis guidelines. Students are encouraged to attend senior thesis presentations early in their honors career. Thesis informational meetings are held at the beginning of each spring semester for those beginning the thesis during the following academic year.  

Sharing your knowledge

Honors Research Day

Each spring, the University Honors Program hosts a conference-style research day to celebrate the work of graduating honors students. Students give oral presentations of their honors theses for family, friends, fellow students and professors. The event is open to the public.


Honors Research Funds

Nadyne Harris Scholarship for Honors Research

  • Funds honors research expenses such as supplies, specialized software, photocopying, printing, mailing, photography and travel to research sites
  • Open to CHAS and CSBS majors
  • Maximum award is $500; amounts will vary depending on number of applicants and funds available 

Boatwright Undergraduate Research Grant

  • Funds honors research expenses or supports attendance, participation in or presentations at an academic conference
  • Open to all majors with preference to history majors
  • Maximum award is $1,000; amounts will vary depending on number of applicants and funds available 
Research Fellowship

Good Scholars for Excellence

  • Any science or health-related majors are eligible
  • Research should culminate in an honors thesis
  • Recommendations from a faculty mentor and department chair are required
  • Includes funding for a Summer Undergraduate Research experience
  • Maximum award of $12,000 ($2000 scholarship per semester for up to four semesters, plus one $4000 stipend for a 10-week summer research experience)