Merchant Scholarships

Scholarship Background and Guidelines

Merchant Scholarships are awarded from a trust established in 1951 to honor Frank Ivan Merchant and his sister, Kate Matilda Merchant. Frank was a professor of Latin and Greek and served as head of the Department of Foreign Languages at UNI, then Iowa State Teachers College. He lived with his sister, who taught piano lessons until her death in 1942.

The Merchant Scholarship is a scholarship for “…students who by their ability, attainment, moral character, spirit, and entire personality, give promise of developing superior intelligence and culture with devotion to the highest interest of society.” [From the Will of Frank Ivan Merchant]

Application Instructions

To be considered for this scholarship, a student must have received a bachelor's degree from the University of Northern Iowa. Eligibility extends to individuals who graduate within six months after the spring application deadline. A student must also be enrolled (by the fall semester after the scholarship is awarded) full time in any accredited post-baccalaureate graduate or professional school of their choice, either domestic or foreign. Applicants can be in any year of graduate study.

The scholarships are awarded on the basis of ability, achievement, character, potential and service to society.

Please Note:

  1. Applicants must use a Google account to complete the online application. Otherwise, you cannot submit requested files.
  2. Before submitting your application, make sure you do the following:
    • Title the documents that you will be submitting on the application (resume, transcripts) as follows: Last name, first name_document type (i.e. resume, transcript, etc) to ensure that they are attached to the appropriate record.
    • Give the following link to the two persons (at least one must be a UNI faculty member) who are submitting letters to support this application:

Applicants must use the online application form: 2025 Merchant Scholarship Application (Application Deadline is March 31, 2025)

Merchant Scholarship Committee

The committee, established by the president, pursuant to provisions of the will of Professor Frank Merchant, receives, evaluates and recommends candidates for awards for graduate study scholarships. The recommendations are forwarded to the Trustees of the Merchant Fund Trust for verification and financial implementation.

The committee is responsible to and appointed by the president's designee. The committee consists of three department heads each appointed to three-year terms on a rotating basis. Merchant Scholarships are administered by UNI Honors & Scholars Programs.

Dr. Jessica Moon Asa, ChairEx Officio
Dr. Fabio FontanaKinesiology & Athletic Training
Dr. James StichterTeaching
Dr. Eugene WallingfordComputer Science